It takes 9 months to make
a baby. So, after 9 months on hiatus
from blogging on the subject of stepfamily, here is the birth of the newest
blog. I could say that it was because of
having our sweet little Isabella Grace (our first “ours” baby), or because
we’ve been busy, or I’ve been taking care of my mom while she has been battling
cancer, or just because I’ve had a few hang nails that bother me when I
type. Truth is- well it’s all true, but
no excuse!
Looking forward to sharing
with you the challenges we ‘ve faced over the last 9 months. Isabella Grace has made quite the addition to
our clan! I look forward to sharing with
you all about that. God has blessed us
with many opportunities to pray and spend time with folks who are living in
“Step-ville”, and walking this road with us.
Much has been gleaned from those conversations.
Another area where I am
really excited to explore is the topic of Loving well. Tomorrow I begin making the trek up to
Rockford for Tuesday Morning Bible study to begin “Loving Well” by Beth
Moore. I have always realized that we
don’t get a pass card on Loving in this life and circumstance that we are
in. There are no conditions to loving as
Christ, no excuses (I hate that at times!)
So I am praying that the Holy Spirit will teach me and change me, and I
promise to be brutally honest with you about the process!
Pray with me as I explore
some conversations regarding stepfamily living and relationships. Especially pertaining to girls and their
response to moving forward in acceptance of the new life thrust upon them. Why is it that boys seemingly accept this
quicker and more easily? Why do
Step-moms get a bad rep just because they try to love their husband’s children?
Look for a new blog this
week! And again, I’m sorry, it’s been
far too long…
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